We arrive at the present moment by being aware of our bodily sensations, movements and touch.
This way, we can recognize our dysfunctional and painful operational patterns and move forward to more conscious, joyful and authentic life.
If you would like to have up-to-date information about our upcoming session, you can sign up for our newsletter.
In case you don’t speak Hungarian or don’t have a Hungarian friend to help you out with this,
please contact us in email to We’ll be happy to assist you with your queries.

The methodology of Bodywork was born in Hungary: we have been facilitating groups for more than 10 years now. In our association we do not handle mental disorders. We accompany individuals towards wholeness and fulfillment which forms their personality in a natural way, at the same time.
In our method we use the word ‘bodywork’ not in the usual way: it is not only breathwork or massage (individual work with the body), but rather a self knowledge movement therapy group method in nondual point of view. Just like Byron Katie calls her method ‘The Work’, Nóra Pecsenka, who developed this method, calls it “Work through the Body”: Bodywork.
We have self-knowledge courses from afternoon workshops through courses of 8-10 occasions until groups with 200+ academic hours.
If you would like to have up-to-date information about our upcoming session, you can sign up for our newsletter.
In case you don’t speak Hungarian or don’t have a Hungarian friend to help you out with this,
please contact us in email to We’ll be happy to assist you with your queries.